Using the Ohio Standards for Professional Development: Educator Effectiveness

Course Information
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Format: Self-paced

Duration: 3 Hours

Course Features
  • Discussion Forums
  • Quizzes
  • Interaction Opportunities
Tags: standardspd

Using the Ohio Standards for Professional Development: Educator Effectiveness


Did you know Ohio has standards that define high-quality professional development? Learn about those standards and how they can be used in this course.

Course Overview

Using the Ohio Standards for Professional Development is a course designed to acquaint or re-engage the learner with the Ohio Standards for Professional Development. It outlines guidelines and criteria for creating and evaluating high-quality professional learning experiences. The intended audience for the course includes educators, principals, school and district leaders, higher education, and external vendors of education professional learning.

Course Objectives

The learner will:

  1. become familiar with the Ohio Standards for Professional Development
  2. learn how various educational stakeholders can use the standards
  3. consider implications of the standards for his/her own practice


If you have questions about this course, please contact Kathleen Herrmann at